Gilllian Higgins Workshop 2025
27. - 28. august 2025
Vi byder endnu engang velkommen til Gillian Higgins, som afholder en spændende workshop hos Center for Dyreterapi med titlen:
'Biomechanics & Pilates'
Kursus beskrivelse
Biomechanics & Pilates
2 Day CPD Course for Professional Equine Therapists
The key to effective and sympathetic training requires a thorough understanding of anatomy, biomechanics and posture. With a greater knowledge of biomechanics and posture it will further enhance your understanding of training and riding – taking your skills to a whole new level. This course is of interest to coaches, professional equestrians and riders, in fact, anyone who would like to appreciate the relevance of applied anatomy and biomechanics to improve riding, training and how the horse moves.
Every horse owner owes it to their horse to maintain and improve musculoskeletal comfort! Performing targeted Pilates exercises is one way that we can do this. Pilates will improve and maintain the horse’s posture, core strength, body awareness, control and balance. Maintaining stability, posture and balance can contribute to more effective training, improved performance and reduced risk of injury. Stimulating and strengthening the core muscles exercises the core muscles that ensure good posture, a strong back and assist in carrying the weight of the rider can be strengthened.
Pris og tilmelding
Pris for 2 dages kursus kr. 4500,-
D. 27. og 28. august 2025
Dag 1: Kl. 10.00 - 17.00 (registrering fra kl. 9.30)
Dag 2: Kl. 9.00 - 16.00
Kurset afholdes hos Center for Dyreterapi, Kringelhøjvej 12, 9850 Hirtshals.
Praktiske øvelser foregår i stald i nærområdet (ca. 10 km fra kursuslokalet).
Kursusbevis fra Gillian og "Horses Inside Out" udstedes.
Der ydes 10 % rabat til medlemmer af Foreningen Godkendte Hesteterapeuter. Husk at oplyse pr mail hvis du er medlem af Godkendte Hesteterapeuter.
*Tilmelding er bindende og kan ikke refunderes.