Dag 1
For trainers - "Movement and posture"

This is a very practical day and will take you into the world of observation. Not observing body language in its social aspect but movement and posture of a body. Looking and observing what is happening will give you insight to what is going on in the body of the dogs you work with. Looking at gaits, changes of speed and static postures, coat structures and weight distribution will teach you to look through new eyes. Furthermore different materials will be used to show how they affect a dogs' body. Materials that are easily implemented in classes but which might surprise you in the story they get to tell about the body. Selecting the right material for an individual dog through observation.

Dag 2
For trainers and physiotherapists - "Teaching owners and their dogs"

During this day we will be looking at exercises for injuries that are often used by physiotherapists or exercises that you want owners to implement with their dogs at home. Looking at the different exercises we will look at what the dog is telling us with their movement and positions. How do you teach a dog to work with specific material, when do you progress the learning. You will learn to see and to become aware of the boundaries that dogs give us. Paying attention to this will make implementing exercises that much more effective as the dogs will be more able to perform the exercises i such a way as is beneficial to their needs. How to instruct owners in handling and teaching their dogs. What is their effect on the dog and how the dog moves. Looking at how to change their own body movement to assist rather than obstruct the dogs movement and learning.

Læs mere om Sam Turner lige her: https://samturner.nl/

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